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Wyatt Leonard

Wyatt Leonard Interview

Wyatt Leonard Interview

Colorado service advisor Wyatt Leonard offers useful advice for entrepreneurs at any stage. Wyatt’s journey—from being the top student at Justice High School to teaching himself day trading and now working as a Service Advisor at Valley Subaru of Longmont—shows his persistence and growth.

Wyatt’s experience is especially helpful for new entrepreneurs or those looking to improve their businesses. He highlights the importance of having a growth mindset and staying strong when faced with setbacks. His experiences in day trading teach that failures can be valuable learning opportunities. Wyatt shares how he overcame self-doubt and adjusted to new challenges, offering tips on handling uncertainty and staying motivated.

He also stresses the value of daily planning and time management, which can help entrepreneurs be more productive. Wyatt’s examples of balancing work with his personal passions, like sustainable technology and outdoor activities, show that having interests outside of work can lead to greater satisfaction and success. This interview is a great read for anyone looking to boost their entrepreneurial drive and tackle challenges with resilience.

Interview with Wyatt Leonard

How do you define success, and how long did it take you to find it?

Success means growing and finding balance. It’s not a final goal but an ongoing journey of reaching personal and professional milestones while staying true to your values. It took me several years to understand this. After graduating as valedictorian from Justice High School and getting into day trading, I learned that success isn’t just about making money—it’s about always learning, facing challenges, and growing from them.

What are the qualities of a good entrepreneur?

Being an entrepreneur means you need to be tough, flexible, and always willing to learn. After graduating high school as valedictorian, I was excited to dive straight into my career. I thought I was ready for the business world, but I soon realized I needed more experience. That’s when I decided to go for a degree, and it made a big difference.

Taking that extra time gave me the knowledge and maturity I needed. As I gained more experience, I became more patient and better at understanding people. Connecting with others, whether they’re customers, team members, or partners, is just as important as being adaptable and resilient. My education and personal growth helped me handle the challenges of entrepreneurship and shaped me into a well-rounded professional.

What challenges did you have to overcome at the beginning of your journey?

When I started day trading, I had a lot to learn. At first, I was excited to own shares of companies I liked. During the COVID-19 pandemic, MEME stocks became popular, driven by social media and online discussions. Many people, with the help of stimulus checks, jumped into the market, seeing opportunities that experienced investors sometimes missed.

It was an exciting time, but it also showed me how unpredictable the stock market can be. I quickly learned that while some trades can bring great highs, others can be disappointing. I had to better manage risks and not let emotions drive my decisions.

What’s one trend that excites you?

The growth of sustainable technology, especially electric cars (EVs), is exciting. EVs do more than save money on gas and cut emissions; they represent a big step toward cleaner and more efficient transportation.

One of the biggest benefits of EVs is the money you can save. Many governments offer tax breaks and rebates, making EVs more affordable. Plus, EVs have fewer moving parts, so they cost less to maintain, meaning fewer trips to the mechanic.

EVs also provide a smoother, quieter ride, which can make driving more enjoyable. Their quick acceleration makes for a fun and responsive drive.

Subaru has made strong progress in the EV market. They’ve developed electric cars that perform well and emphasize responsible practices. Subaru not only offers great vehicles but also cares about the environment and communities. This focus on doing good makes Subaru a company that aligns with my values.

What advice would you give your younger self?

I’d tell my younger self not to be scared of failing. Mistakes might seem like setbacks, but they actually help you learn and grow. Every time you mess up, you discover something new and get stronger. Challenges teach you things that success alone can’t, and they help you think of new ideas and solve problems better.

Instead of seeing failure as something bad, look at it as part of the journey. Mistakes can push you forward rather than hold you back.

I’d also remind myself to be patient. Growth takes time and is full of ups and downs. But the journey itself can be the most rewarding part. Overcoming challenges brings valuable lessons, often more important than the end result. Patience helps you appreciate your progress and keeps you focused on your goals, even when things get tough.

What is one habit that helps you be productive?

I always plan my day the night before, setting easy-to-reach goals to keep me focused. I use time-blocking, which means giving each task its own time slot. This helps me manage my work without feeling too busy. Staying organized makes my job in the service industry much easier and less stressful.

When you feel overwhelmed or unfocused, what do you do?

One of my favorite ways to do this is by traveling. Traveling lets me escape my routine, see new things, and spend time with loved ones.

I also make sure to stay active. Whether it’s weightlifting, paddleboarding, or skiing, staying physically fit helps me clear my mind. This has been important to me ever since playing football in high school, where I learned to balance fitness with schoolwork. Staying active helps me manage stress and stay focused.

Taking breaks through travel and exercise helps me come back to work refreshed and with a clear mind. Sometimes, all it takes is a change of scenery and a little movement to handle challenges better.


After finishing high school as the top student, earned a degree from Front Range Community College while exploring day trading and investing.

Wyatt is now a Service Advisor at Valley Subaru of Longmont, helping customers with their vehicle maintenance needs. He uses his problem-solving skills daily while also making time for his personal interests. His interview highlights the importance of good time and energy management for entrepreneurs.

To learn more about Wyatt Leonard, visit his website.

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